Beaver makes learning fun. Campers experience so much joy at camp, they may not realize all of the ways that they are growing and further developing skills.
Each of Beaver’s programs is designed around important goals that further camper skill growth and center well-being:
Socialization: Making connections and maintaining relationships
Independence: Learning to become increasingly self-reliant
Teamwork: Working effectively in groups
Confidence: Believing that they can be successful
Curiosity for Exploration: Demonstrating interest, inquisitiveness, and eagerness to learn new things
Responsibility for Self and Others: Learning to be accountable for their own actions and developing a sense of responsibility for their impact on others
Problem-Solving Agency: Knowing that they have the ability to develop strategies to address and resolve challenges
Belonging: Feeling supported and a sense of connection and inclusion at camp
And, if what Beaver parents/caregivers tell us is any indication, it’s working. Through parent/caregiver survey feedback, the data shows us reported camper growth in each of these skill domains.